Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Today I worked on my website. I have one web page left to make and it is on vitamin E. I am having some trouble relating vitamin E to the digestive system so it is taking quite a while. I went through my check list and everything seems to be good except for a couple of things. All I need to do is comment on someone’s blog and my check list will be complete. A few days ago I learnt something really interesting about vitamin K. I learnt that vitamin K is produced in your digestive tract. I am still trying to figure out how vitamin K is produced there. Tell me if you have any ideas.


  1. That is cool how the vitamin k is already in your digestive tract, but if its already there then do you need to do anything? Thats good about your website too.

  2. I have some info for you to look up - Vit. K is linked to the bacteria in our lower digestive tract.

    Also, I understand that Vit. E is 'fat soluble.' Can you explain what that means? Does that mean that you have to eat fat with the vitamin pill in order for it to work?

    Finally - why do we even need vitamins anyway? (I actually know...I'll give you a hint...it has something to do with enzymes).
    Mrs. K

  3. Fat-soluble means that the vitamin is stored in the fat in our body and in your liver. I think vitamins help enzymes work but I will look that up. Thanks for the tip on vitamin K.
