Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Presentation

My topic was vitamins supplements and how they affect the digestive system. I think my presentation went quite well. I was easy to follow and I believe I was quite knowledgeable. I also think my presentation contained valuable information that was related to my body system. I learned about technology by making a website using Yola. Yola is a website making site that is very easy to use. Thanks to Crysta I found Yola and was able to do my project no problem. I would recommend Yola for future projects.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Today I worked on my website. I have one web page left to make and it is on vitamin E. I am having some trouble relating vitamin E to the digestive system so it is taking quite a while. I went through my check list and everything seems to be good except for a couple of things. All I need to do is comment on someone’s blog and my check list will be complete. A few days ago I learnt something really interesting about vitamin K. I learnt that vitamin K is produced in your digestive tract. I am still trying to figure out how vitamin K is produced there. Tell me if you have any ideas.

Friday, May 29, 2009


For my project I am making a website. I am using a program called Yola and it is working quite well. So far I have a home page and a page all about vitamin A. I am almost done my page on vitamin B and then I will be working on vitamin C. It has been really easy for me to relate vitamin supplements to the digestive system. With the great program I am using I will be done quite soon.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Vitamin Supplements

I am learning about vitamin supplements and how they affect the digestive system and this is what I have learnt so far. Vitamin C helps enzymes do their job which is to chemically digest food. There are two enzymes in the saliva which are called amylase and lingual lipase. Amylase starts breaking down starches in food. Lingual lipase separates triglycerides (the chemical form of fat that is found in food) into its components of glycerol and fatty acids.